This work created for the World Reimagined Project’s Leicester Art trail, can be described as a mind map of different complex historical trajectories, with reflections in the present and the contemporary, as well as personal musings – I am after all a member of a diaspora of a diaspora of a diaspora – and ongoing rumination about the history and repercussions of the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans. 

The work takes a graphic novel form, not across pages but rather on a globe where the latitudinal and longitudinal lines demarcate panels of graphics and micro-essays (sometimes non-sequitur in nature) in order to provoke the viewer to arrive at their own new and personal narratives and questions. In the final analysis, it is my desire for the work to feel like a call and response, a gentle but open discussion, and a series of critical but mindful provocations.

More about The World Reimagined here:

Discover the trail in Leicester