The Finding Black Film Festival is a series of short videos that I created from found spliced youtube videos. Each film examines a different feature of the American mainstream media that I ingested growing up as a child in Trinidad and Tobago. While it was not all American, as we were formerly a British colony most of it certainly was and at the time, all of it came to us via one television channel, TTT (Trinidad and Tobago Television). Television was the independence gift to the nation by Dr. Eric Willams, the country’s first Prime Minister, and ironically this american-imperialistic-living room third parent contributed to a lot of my programming as a Black Middle Class Caribbean Male, as well in part to the shaping of my identity. While this period arguably saw more exposure for black actors on television and in film one can argue that the “old minstrelsy” was just replaced by a “new minstrelsy” of affable loud mouthed ghetto mammies, pimps, dancing buffoons and idiotic catch phrases neatly wrapped in a blanket of social concerns. CNN described it in its documentary – The Seventies as “The Time TV Got Real”. Scroll down and click below to view the featured shorts.